Chal tejido en tricot Dia de la Madre

👩 Mother's Day Shawl
A classic is always a hit not to mention handmade with 💞

chal tejido a dos agujas rectangular facil

 Multitask accessories are the ones that are always around you for any need 🎪
This shawl is also a scarf, a bed throw and a wrap blanket
And it's sooo soft 😍!
Plus, Multitask is sustentable ✔️
easy shawl knitting patterns for beginners
#handmade #knit #shawl #multitask #spring #spring_shawl #mothersday #sustentable #easy_shawl #chal_tejido #chal_facil #chal_rectangular #knitting_shawl #easy_shawl_knitting_pattern #knitting_shawl_fringe #knitted_shawls_wraps #dia_de_la_madre

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